Friday, March 25, 2016

That 1 Day

It's the Triduum. That's TRID-OOO-UM.

Ummmmmm.....what's that?

It's the end of Lent, a three-day event where we remember the Passion, Suffering, Death, and ultimately Resurrection of Jesus. The Triduum has three parts:

  • Holy Thursday -- We celebrate the Last Supper where Jesus gave us the Eucharist, washed the feet of his apostles, and instituted the priesthood. Soon after, his suffering would begin. It ends with a procession of the Eucharist around the Church and typically Adoration of the Eucharist until midnight.
  • Good Friday -- The one day Catholics don't celebrate Mass, we remember the Passion of Jesus where he was betrayed, captured, tortured, wrongly convicted, lashed, mocked, made to carry the cross, and crucified. We venerate the cross as the symbol of God's love, Christ's sacrifice, and the place our hope died to rise again.
  • Holy Saturday -- That in-between day when Jesus is in the tomb. We wait. When the sun sets, a beautiful celebration (liturgy) begins. By candlelight, we process into the Church, read our salvation story (up to seven readings and six psalms), and then when the Gospel is proclaimed, ring bells and bring up the lights. Jesus is risen! Alleluia! We also welcome new Catholics into full communion with the Church through the initiation sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. It's a long Mass, but why not? It's the high point of history and worth celebrating.

We celebrate because Jesus wins. Love wins. God wins. We know the end of the story. Thank God we have hope in our individual brokenness, in our world's fallenness. We celebrate because Jesus wins.

Today is THAT 1 DAY when our Lord endured incredible pain physically, emotionally, and spiritually so that we could serve Him in this life and be forever with Him in the next life. Come worship today, Good Friday, THAT 1 DAY.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The Lost Meaning of the Sacrament of Confirmation

By Bishop Robert Barron
Courtesy of

It is sometimes said that Confirmation is a sacrament in search of a theology.

It is indeed true that most Catholics could probably give at least a decent account of the significance of Baptism, Eucharist, Confession, Matrimony, Holy Orders, and the Anointing of the Sick, but they might balk when asked to explain the meaning of Confirmation. Perhaps they would be tempted to say it is the Catholic version of a Bar Mitzvah, but this would not even come close to an accurate theological description.

A survey of the most recent theologizing about Confirmation—the Documents of Vatican II, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the 1983 Code of Canon Law, etc.—reveals that this is the sacrament of strengthening, as the term itself (“confirmare” in Latin) suggests.

First, it strengthens baptized people in their relationship with the Lord Jesus and then it further strengthens them in their capacity to defend and spread the faith. The roots of it, of course, are in the great day of Pentecost when, through the descent of the Holy Spirit, eleven timorous and largely uneducated men became fearless evangelists, ready and able to spread the Gospel far and wide.

Keep in mind that to proclaim Jesus publicly in that time and place was to take one’s life in one’s hand—and the disciples knew it. And yet, on the very day of Pentecost, they spoke out in the Temple and in the public squares of Jerusalem. With the exception of John, they all went to their deaths boldly announcing the Word. I tell those I confirm that they are, in a certain sense, successors of those first men upon whom the Holy Spirit descended and that they have the same fundamental task. Their Confirmation, I further explained, is therefore not really for them; it is for the Church and the wider world.

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