Tuesday, May 26, 2015

An Open Letter to Those Who Have Left the Catholic Church

From Swords of Truth
By kelleyswordsoftruth • May 22, 2015

I read on Facebook recently that a friend of a friend had left the Catholic Church. Now, I don’t even really know the guy, so I can’t say I understand his situation, but it made me sad that anyone – especially a young person – would have come to such a decision. I realize that lots of people leave the Church each year, and the reasons they do so are rarely simple. Yet, to make matters worse, we often avoid talking about it, not even asking what happened out of a sense of privacy for what we see as an individual and very personal decision. But such a response only has the opposite effect, convincing people all the more that their decision was the right one. “Does anyone even care?” they may wonder.

Because we are the Body of Christ, what happens to one, in a sense, happens to all.1 Whether we know it or not, we are affected when someone leaves the Church. It has to do with being part of the ‘communion of saints’: our actions do impact one another, for good or for bad.2 And though we may want to place blame on one side or another when someone leaves and that unity is broken, the fact is, we are all to blame; we are responsible for one another.

That being said, consider how many people do precisely the opposite: they join the Church. What is it that causes this phenomenon: that some choose to leave, while, at the same time, others enter? With all these ideas in mind, I’d like to share a few thoughts, addressing that young man and anyone who has fallen away from their Catholic faith:

Dear Child of God,

I heard about your decision to leave the Catholic Church. I pray it’s only for a time and that you’ll come back soon. You see, you are important to us. You have gifts and talents to offer and without them, our lives are diminished. God made you – and only you – the way you are for a particular reason; no one can take your place.

I hope that you’ll come to see that the Church has something to offer you, too: namely, the sacraments. You probably don’t remember your baptism, but on that day God placed an indelible mark on your soul and claimed you for His own.3 It was a glorious moment and all the angels rejoiced! Then there was your First Holy Communion. Do you remember how special it felt to get all dressed up and receive the Eucharist for the first time? Why did everyone make such a big deal out of it? Because it was a big deal; it was the beginning of a beautiful love story between you and God, of understanding how He laid down His life for you.

Jesus comes to us in the Eucharist so we can see Him, touch Him, and taste Him. The Eucharist is no ordinary piece of bread; it’s ‘food for the journey.’4 You are what you eat, and God gives us the Eucharist to mysteriously strengthen and transform us. Have you ever noticed that maybe you feel more peaceful – or perhaps your day somehow seems to go better – after going to Mass?

And we mustn’t forget Confirmation and Reconciliation…receiving the power of His Spirit to guide and strengthen us, and knowing with confidence that we can be forgiven of literally every offense. Of course, we know that nothing is beyond God’s mercy, but sometimes it’s important to hear those words, that we are forgiven. Even if you never made it past your First Communion, that’s okay. It’s not about fulfilling an obligation or merely filling in all the blanks. It’s about growing closer to God and becoming aware of His great love for us. And it’s never too late! The Church is here – ready and willing – to help you continue your journey whenever the time is right.

And that’s where we – the People who make up the Church – come in. What an awesome responsibility the Lord has given us: to be His instruments – His hands and feet – in the world. The Church is not a mere institution; rather it is a “mystery that is simultaneously human and divine.”5 Though God chooses to work through us, sadly we don’t always get it right. If it was our apparent lack of love that caused you to leave, I’m sincerely sorry. We do love you, but sometimes don’t show it very well. Like all people, we get caught up in our own lives or fail to see that what you need most is compassion and understanding.

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