Friday, August 8, 2014

20 Thoughts of a Nun-To-Be

On August 15th, 2014 I will be entering as a postulant with the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia in Nashville, Tennessee. I have been my discerning my vocation for quite some time now bit have officially been accepted and preparing for entrance since November 2013. In the last 10 months I have done lots of thinking, praying, crying, and laughing about my (and the Lord’s) decision to enter the convent. Here is a little insight into the mind of someone preparing to enter the convent.

1. Will my extensive knowledge of movie quotes come in handy in the convent?

2. If I get a pedicure the day before I enter, how long will it take for the polish to wear off?

3. Will my siblings be able to take care of mom and dad? I have three adult and completely competent brothers who are successful in life — ranging from an army officer, to a sales manager, to a writer… but once they all used the same tooth brush for over a month. They only realized it when one of them dropped it in the toilet. These are who will be around to take care of my family. Should I be worried?

4. Only six pairs of “nunderwear” are allowed. Why not seven?

5. I’m not a radical person! Can I really turn my life over and upside down? The turning point in my vocation story was hearing a homily about how radical the vocation of marriage is and realizing that whatever the Lord calls us to is radical and life changing. JPII said, “Do not be afraid of the radicalness of His demands. If he asks much of you it is because he knows you can give much.”

6. Will I still get to bake cookies?

7. I think having a Netflix subscription or a shooting range could be good for the community.

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